Friday 27 April 2012

Cool things

              Today , I win the contest against the other group with my group. The contest is call the word than we write the adjective on the board who done the writing the word  first will win. The teacher called a lot of words and we have a lot of fun at Ace school.When i win I'm nearly crazy because i dance and show-off though I am happy , but it is very fun.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Last year , I have a holiday to China. I went to many at China with the tour manager. The tour manager like me. We went to Siang Hei to the Casino. They are not allow the children in because the chin people scared o the kid if they go in their they never study and they will play until they don't have money, so I need to stay outside and wait with my cousin and my sister.                                                                                                                                                                                               

Lucky I guess and fun to go ................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hey Alex... I didn't know you lived in New Zealand???? ;)

  2. It's always nice to win :)

    Your game reminds me of another one called the adverb game. There are 2 teams, and each team has one person standing at the front of the room. The teacher secretly tells the person at the front an adverb, then their team mates have to call out a verb. The person at the front has to act out the adverb and verb together. So, the teacher might secretly say 'quickly' then the team calls out 'Run!' The person will have to run quickly, and their teammates have to guess what the adverb is. Funny when they have to pick their nose quickly..crawl quickly...! Goods fun..and everyone looks silly!

    Sam (from New Zealand, living in Vietnam)
