Sunday 26 August 2012

My Grandfather holiday

*You spent the day with your grandfather. Tell about your day.

Last weekend i went to my grandpa house to spend my hold day with my grandpa.My mom say''You never spend your day with your grandpa''and she told me to spend a hold day with my grandpa and she give my some money to stay with him and buy something to him.In the morning i go to buy breakfast to him and for me to.And went he ate ready he go to read a newspaper.Then maybe at 9 or 9:20 we go to the park.Then we go to market to buy some fruit.At 11 o'clock we back home.At 12 o'clock we ate lunch.And my grandpa ask me where do you want to go.I told anywhere you want to go.And at 1:35 we go to visit my grandpa friend house.In my grandpa friend house don't have thing to play I'm so boring in that house.At 3 o'clock we came back home.We watch TV 30 or 40 min my grandpa told me a story and he told me went he was young like me.And he told me went he was young he find a money himself.And at 4 o'clock we going to hospital because my grand is too old he need to go to hospital.
That day is very long but we was very happy and my grandpa say this is the best weekend ever.At 5 o'clock my mom coming and i told her what we going what we do what we play what time we come back home and i told her his friend house is very boring and that house is very far we took about 30 min to go there and i so hot that day we very happy.And my mom say ''Good Job Son''.
This is my holiday with my grandfather and i think we do this every
weekend .......

Monday 13 August 2012

The day i made my teacher angry

Today i made my teacher was very angry.He is my new teacher in yl10.He's name Phillip.he like student he always tell ours if we do wrong he tell how to do it right.But today i made was very angry because i talk with the people sit next to me a lot.That is made him angry to me.He tell me to keep silent but i don't care about he said.Last time he said if you that again i will take you out.His face is red and he was angry i look to his face i very scare i think he never talk to me again.I try to talk with him and i try to say '' Sorry''. I thought he will forgive because he love his student and he don't want to do this because he don't want he student had any problem.And on Monday i did blog in computer room about ''The day i made my teacher angry'' and i try to say ''sorry'' to him.
Finally my teacher call me to go outside he say he not angry to me but he want me to study hard and don't talk a lot in class. And he forgive all the time.

Thursday 5 July 2012

My favorite film

My favorite film is Avatar. The special effects were amazing and it was incredible to see how the film marker had created a completely new and very beautiful world with a whole new species. I loved the music and I thought it went very well with the action of the film. I also really liked the environmental message that came from the film. The acting was superb, especially siqourney weaver as Grace. My only criticism is that I think the film was slightly to long..

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Nazca Lines

      I saw a TV programme about the Nazca Lines in Peru and it was amazing. It was fascinating to   discover  that  are more than 15,00 huge design of human figures and animals such as hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys and fish. They were made in the desert by an ancient people called the Nazca around 2,000 years ago. But the big mystery is that we don’t know why the Nazca made the lines. The designs are so large that they can only be seen from the air. So why did they do some things that they couldn’t see themselves? The progamme talked about some theories about why the lines were made. Some people say they were racetracks, or used for water irrigation or even as landing strips for UFOs, but I think the best theory is that the Nazca people made the lines as a present for their gods because they can only be seen from the sky. Why do you think the Nazca people made the lines?

Monday 2 July 2012

In my free time

In my free time I always read a book and watch television. Sometime I play football or watch with my friend. But I like play game too it's make me happy. Listen to music is make you happy too but you don't like it I think you do somethings for you if it's good for you or you think it's happy for you. If you think is good for you you can do it. My opinion. ♥♥♥♥♥ ☺☺☺☺☺ ☻☻☻☻☻ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♣♣♣♣♣ ♠♠♠♠♠ ◘◘◘◘◘  

Sunday 1 July 2012

End of Term

Hello! Sorry your last posts aren't up yet. At the end of term, all the computers were busy with Exam Results for GEP. I'll try to get them posted at the start of next term. Until then, why not write some new posts about your holidays?

Saturday 30 June 2012

My favorite five things

My favorite things is computer and phone.I couldn't live without my computer and phone because I use to check dictionary , play games and write somethings. I spend a lot of time keeping my Facebook page. I want my Facebook page to be good. I think I couldn't live without computer and phone. I use my phone and my computer every day.I share my music with my friends. I need to listen to music by phone and computer too.Every evening I get a lot of calls on my  home phone from my friends and my family.I don't use my mobile to phone too much because it is too busy. I believe I must use my phone and my computer.

My favorite picture ♥♥♥

Friday 29 June 2012

If I had a million dollars........

If I had a million dollars I spend a lot of time driving around the city at night.You can't always see the stars  because of the light pollution in the city, but on a clear night, it's the best view in the world! It's better than anything you could watch on TV or see in an art gallery and it's in our skies at night, every night, completely free of charge! If I had a million dollars, I want to but a lot of cars, bicycles, computers and anythings are good for me. I want to have a massive house to live with my family. I want to have a swimming pool, a garden, a garage and 100 rooms in my house.After I want to have an air-conditional, two fans, television, and a big bed in my bedroom.

Crow brings the daylight

A long time ago, at the beginning of the world, the Inuit people lived in the far north. in total darkness. Their friend, crow, visited them and talked about his travels to other places, places with daylight. At first, the Inuit people didn't believe him, but Crow's stories about daylight grew in their hearts. Finally, they asked Crow to fly south and bring back a piece of daylight for them. I am too tired, said Crow. The journey is long and difficult, and I am old. But the Inuit people begged and begged until at last Crow agreed.The people said, half a year of daylight is enough.Before you brought the daylight,we lived in darkness all the time! Thank you, Crow! since that time, the Inuit people have lived for half a year in darkness and haft a year in daylight. And they are always kind to Crow,beacause he brought them the light.♥ ♥ ☺ ☻ ♣  ♣                                                                                    

Sunday 10 June 2012

My dream house

My dream house
  My dream house is a modern house. If I could build my dreaming house I would build it near the sea because near sea it have fresh air so i feel fresh. My house have 8 rooms with 8 bathroom and a very big swimming pool. I would build a big living room and a perfect kitchen and very big sauna room.And very big garden and have many flowers. In my room it have an en-suite bathroom and a big modern bed with 3D television and cool air conditioner.  designed my own living room and my room. In living room i would put a big sofa with a cute rug and  cushion. The spacial in house is a big swimming pool and  big garden. If i have lot of money i would build my dreaming house.

my dream house

my dream house is fantastic you see that is the house that i had never seen and this house is gigantic too!
so i think this house is very very very expensive.if this dream are real i wil be a richs man in the world 
and i become the best the world.if i have this real i will swim every day every night and i can check Internet
because there is free WIFI is free free ! so if every one want to go so call me... if that dream come real you can call me and in that fantastic house
there are a lot of rooms there are karaoke,computer,cinema,3D,4D,5D, kitchen,bathroom, and that house
have one big swimming pool and you can  buy coconant drink it cost=2$.and hot chocolate cost=54
apple drink 1$,pineapple 10$ or something else and in every room there are 5 air conditioner in every room
so i was very cold it 1050 hc cold in every room so if you are hot go in this every room it make you cold 
and you don't want to get out of from this every rooms so this is the fantastic room in my house.

and i buy it it costs 12534876900000000$ 
my dream house is fantastic you see that is the house that i had never seen and this house is gigantic too!
so i think this house is very very very expensive.if this dream are real i will be a rich man in the world
and i become the best the world.if i have this real i will swim every day every night and i can check Internet
because there is free WIFI is free free ! so if every one want to go so call this number 0975388787 this
number is real number for me so not yet call if that dream come real you can call me a

my dream house

hi. if i would like my dream house I would like my dream house to be near the beach and also near the school  because it would be great to go swimming when I done studying and it would be great to go to school because it near my house. In my dream house i would like my land to be big because I want to create amazing room in my house. The room  that I would like to create are games room, laboratory room, gym room so I can excise on my weekend without going out to excise.My color of my house I would like white and yellow on the outside and on the inside I would like it to be pink and violet. I would like my dream house to have a swimming pool to so I can go swimming at my weekend when I don`t want to go swimming at the house I would like it to have a very fancy equipment to make it look nice and a very strong security system to make sure nothing happen to my dream house.